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Barneysaur/Rubble/Highlander T-Shirts

There can be only one! Yes, it really is in plain black and white. Apparently, the Barney (dinosaur) people agreed to let him do the shirts, only if he didn't color it in. However, nothing's stopping you from coloring it in! Also, he used to work for Hannah-Barbera, implying he might have some experience drawing Barney (Rubble, that is).
Another of his designs looks like this: Life's a bitch, and then they drop a house on your sister.

Both of these shirts are in black ink on white 100% cotton Beefy-T's.

Ordering Information
Price for
Each Shirt
$10 for M, L, or XL;
$12 for XXL or XXXL.
(If you need some other size, I suspect he can do it.)
Shipping and
Where First
USA $3 $1
UK $7 ask
Elsewhere ask ask
  • Checks drawn on an American bank
    and made out to Dennis Anfuso
  • Cash if in person. He merchants at many SCA events,
    as Claus the Toymaker, or Claus of Burzee.
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
Snailmail Dennis Anfuso
Box 1195
Wilton, NH 03086
Phone +1-603-654-2949
Notes Please include your phone number in case of problems.

To quote him in late August 1998, "As you guess I am sorely depleted of shirts right now (after Pennsic) but I have my screen printing studio not 10 minutes from my house, and can print way into the night to please the happy Barney hating people of the world. No order too big or small!"

(Note: He has several other designs available. Pix MAY be coming soon to a browser near you.)

DISCLAIMER: I have no financial connection with whatsoever with Dennis Anfuso. I get no commission, not even free shirts. I'm just a happy Barney-shirt owner, who has had many inquiries about where to get them.
